Any such thing as a perfect planner?

My name is Sarah and I am a planner addict. Feels good to say it out loud at last! First step to recovery is acknowledging the problem right? 

I cannot say where this long term love began or why, but I am fully aware that it is here to stay.

Plum Paper Planner 2015/16

I have to confess that I get a genuine high from starting a new planner, always with high hopes that it will finally allow me to be the calm, organised woman I long to me. Tell me I am not the only one! 

I'm always convinced that the next planner will be the answer I have been searching for all my life. 

Erin Condren Monthly Planner 2017

I genuinely desire one perfect planning solution, one whose appeal does not fade once a couple of months are complete, one who will have such a positive impact on my life I cannot do without it, etc.

I have tried a few different planners now, even blogged about a couple (linked at the end of this post), but am still looking for the best fit. 

Actually I'm lying. I think I have found the best planning solution for me and my haphazard planning ways - a Bullet Journal.

It is basically one notebook to rule them all and has worked really well for me for 7 months now (longest any planner has lasted with me). It allows me a lot of freedom, I include more than just calendar stuff, and it has even become a bit of a creative outlet.

I'm not artistic but am playing around with it:

Even though I'm still enjoying using my bullet journal I have not been able to resist a new planner. Naughty I know!

I have recently ordered a lovely new Kikki K personal planner which is due to arrive any day now. I have not used them before but they truly have some beautiful stationery.

Part of me is furious with myself for succumbing to yet another planner, but the other part of me cannot wait to give it a go. I will share my thoughts on it in a future post.

I'd love to know what planners you use (if any)? Who knows it may become my next obsession!


Disclaimer:  I am not affiliated with any stores/products mentioned in this post. 


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