Spring Projects 2017: Kitchen Sink Cupboard Re-organisation

Finally winter has past and signs of spring are literally sprouting everywhere. When the seasons shift like this I find it motivating for finally getting some stuff done around the house and garden. Usually things that I've either been putting off for a while or tend to only like to do once or twice a year.

Having taken a short hiatus from blogging I feel like now is the best time of year to get my mojo back and start sharing with you once again.

Today I am sharing with you my sort out of under our kitchen sink.

The before:

As I'm sure it is in most households the cupboard space beneath our kitchen sink has somehow become a dumping ground for all things cleaning and laundry related. It's a normal sized cupboard but is made awkward by the pipes from the sink above.

It's become harder to find things when we need them and every time I open the doors my heart sinks at the mess of it all!

So having been motivated to spring (ha ha) into action, I have finally rolled up my sleeves and tackled this beast of a space and here share the process with you:

Step One:
Clear out all things. Get it all out of there so you can see all the junk you've managed to squirrel away here.

Step Two:
Go through all of the things.  Decide what can be thrown, relocated or needs to go back into the cupboard.

Step Three:
Clean the space. Our cupboard was so damp and grubby it was frankly embarrassing.  

Step Four:
Decide on the space design. Inspiration hit me as I was doing this. The shelf across the middle was a real pain. It was the dampest part and meant that a lot of our cleaning products couldn't be stood up as it was positioned too low down. Also it meant we couldn't see all that we had at the rear of the cupboard. So decision made...I ripped it out completely. I also purchased some small plastic drawers to hold smaller items together for ease of access.

Step Five:
Putting things back. As I was doing this I tried to group things together better, such as all laundry stuff, all cleaning supplies, etc.

Step Six:
Final touches - secretly my favourite part! I just had to dust off my trusty label maker and then I was ready to show my partner the new organised space and make sure he knows how to find stuff now (& of course ensure he does his part in keeping it all nice)!

So here is the newly organised space:

The space is working so much better for us now. It's easy to keep organised and see what we have. I'm quite chuffed with it and hope you found some inspiration for your spring projects.

Sarah x


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