BLOGGING: 3 Months In - What Have I Learnt?

I am quite new to this blogging malarky (posted my first one back in March this year) and today I felt like sharing some of my reflections on my time as a blogger and what I feel I have far anyway.

I have fallen in love with the process. I enjoy the whole process from thinking of post ideas to publication. I find myself looking forward to squirrelling away at my desk and the sense of satisfaction when even just one person reads the thing is a lovely payback for the effort.

It really has helped me through a very busy and stressful time in my day job. No matter how pants the day has been escaping to my blogging world has helped keep my spirits up and keeps reminding me there is more to life than just work.

There is so much advice out there - literally a tonne of material full of advice on how to create blogs, build readership, utilise social media and even monetisation. There are so many bloggers out there doing their thing that I realised very quickly what a small fish I am in this blogging pond and for right now that is exactly as I like it.

I can do it - for the longest time I thought about starting a blog. I even had a false start back in 2015, but the big lesson from my first 3 months blogging is that you really just need to go for it. Whatever fear was holding me back has melted away by simply just going for it.

You don't need to hide it - one of my fears has always been having those close to me read what I write. Strangers fine - no issue! Slowly I have shared my new hobby with people I know and have just been blown away by how nice and supportive everyone has been.

I want to keep doing this.  I cannot lie - I do occasionally fantasise about blogging becoming my full time career, but I don't know if that could ever really happen. Yet no one can really predict the future can they.

I realise I still have a lot to learn, but to be honest I don't worry about that anymore. This blog is a retreat from the daily slog for me and the only remotely creative outlet I have.  I'm basically just having fun and that is what I have learnt is the most important aspect of this for me.

Thanks for reading x


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