Morning Routine - 2016 Work Day

Today I thought I'd share with you my current morning routine when I'm at work. I really enjoy seeing how other people organise themselves and over time have developed my own slightly OCD-like routine.

It has become so embedded that if I deviate too much it really can throw me off and that can resonate throughout my entire day.

I find that having a similar daily routine in the morning means I am less likely to forget things (case in point, when travelling by train to a job interview, whilst at University, it was so out the norm and I got so distracted it took me two hours to realise I'd forgotten to put a bra on!). True story!

So that is why a morning routine is so important to me. It gives me peace of mind and reduces the risk of me flashing in public.

It's worth noting that a successful morning routine really begins the night before. See here for my post about my evening routine.


Starts at 6am:

  • Get up, drink a glass of water, brush teeth and feed the Dog
  • Get jobs done, e.g. I like to put my washing on a delayed cycle the night before, so it finishes just as I get up. So I go deal with that or wash up if I failed at my evening routine!
  • Shower and get dressed.
  • Check my planner to make sure I remember what I want to get done that day.
  • Gather everything I need to take to work in a single place...known in some circles as a "Launch Pad". This includes my pack lunch, handbag, phone, etc.
  • Wake up my boyfriend - usually by jumping on him and squishing the breathe out of him.
  • Tickle the Dog goodbye
  • Leave the house

7am on the road!

So that is my typical working week morning routine. I like that it is a nice balance of practical requirements but also a bit of fun to start the day well. Nothing earth shattering I know. Simple is best before coffee.

The most critical piece for me is the "Launch Pad". It means I don't have to think too hard too early and it's construction begins the evening before as well.

What do you view as the most critical piece of your morning routine and why?


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