At the moment I am trying my hardest to re-establish my daily & weekly routines. Luckily these are routines I'd pretty much cracked before I recently fell ill, so I am optimistic I will get back in the swing from now. Being forced to take a break from the routines has actually been an opportunity to start afresh and rethink a few things.

Why have an evening routine? Well for me it helps set me up for the next day with the right attitude, gets stuff out of my head before bedtime so I sleep better and helps keep the next day a little less stressful.

My Current Evening Routine:

  • wash dishes and clean up kitchen counters
  • sweep kitchen floor
  • check menu plan and take out of freezer as required/slow cooker prep.
  • pick out and layout clothes for the next day
  • general house pick up, take stuff back upstairs, put away dry laundry, etc.
  • update my planner and check next day plans
  • put dishes away
  • get ready for bed and relax

You'll notice I concentrate mainly on the kitchen. This is because it's quite a small space so looks cluttered quickly, but mainly because I HATE waking up to a load of dirty dishes, dirty floor and messed up work tops. It really ruins my mojo!

What's currently different? Before I was trying to incorporate a bathroom clean in the evening as well, but as we use the bathroom right up to bedtime it wasn't very practical. I'm thinking this may be more suited to my morning routine.

So far the routine is working ok for me. I'm not perfect and there are evenings when not the whole routine gets done, but it's something to keep aiming for and hopefully it will become a habit again.

What things do you simply have to get done in the evening to ensure you have the best next day possible?


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