July Goals Recap

It's that time again when I want to reflect back on the goals I set at the start of the previous month and 'fess up to how well or badly I did! 

So I was kind to myself and only gave myself two goals in July which were to deep clean the house and attempt to have a rolling stock of four blog posts in the bank.

So how did I do?

Deep Clean - ACHIEVED! 
As predicted with two lots of visitors coming that month the house was kept in great shape and so far we have managed to keep it going too with the usual cleaning routine. So feeling quite smug about that one. Don't get me wrong there were a few days where the spare room started to resemble a laundry but we brought it back from the brink.

Rolling blog posts - ACHIEVED!
Well almost...I'd mark this one at about 80% achieved through the month. I had a couple of exhausting weeks at work so I struggled to have the posts fully written up and ready to go, but I have always managed to have at least four blog ideas roughly sketched out in advance. 

I've started to more consistently utilise the Notes app on my iphone, so whenever inspiration hits or I have a quiet 10 minutes to focus, I can quickly jot down the outline of a post. A recent example was while I was treating myself to a professional car valet (very rare occurrence)...got two posts drafted on my phone as I waited! Winning!

So I leave July feeling like a boss and ready to face whatever August is going to throw at me!

How are you doing with your goals or resolutions now that we are in the second half of the year (what?!?!)? 


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