Weekend with friends

Left: Me, Middle: Sarah, Right: Sarah - yes we are all called Sarah!

I'm very lucky to still be friends with girls I grew up with. We don't live near each other anymore and rarely get together as we are all so busy, but when we do it is just as if we saw each other yesterday.

This for me really epitomises what true friendship is. They have both grown up to be fabulous, inspiring women and I wanted to dedicate this post to them and all the years of friendship we have shared.

Recently both came to stay with me in Leeds and my sides still hurt from all the laughing. Our lives are so separate now, but when we get together we revert to the giggling teenagers we used to be...but with a disposable income!

Here are just a few pictures that mark our last get together.

Pre shopping cuppa

Shopping refreshments..randomly near an ambulance!

Photo bombed in style by the great waitress at dinner!
Enjoying my purchases from that weekend
I did not take many pictures but these give you a little flavour.

Their friendship means the world to me, they helped form the woman I am today and they got me through some very moody teenage years for which I will always be grateful.

Are you still pals with old school friends? What does that mean for you?


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