How I Use My Weekly Planner

Since I embraced my inner planner geek I have grown to love Sunday's the best of all the days. The main reason for this is it is time to organise and plan out the new week.

Nothing warms my soul more than turning to a crisp, clean week in my Plum Paper Planner and then spending about 10 minutes wrecking it with badly stuck down stickers and spelling mistakes! Hey it's good to have a hobby.

So today I thought I would share the before and after planned week.  Now bare in mind that this will be NOTHING like the beautiful planner shots you see all over Instagram, but I am improving week by week - I think.


10 minutes later:

I currently have a horizontal planner (next one is vertical as I fancied a change) and I use the left hand page to keep track of the good habits I am trying to keep going, Blog ideas when they strike and things I want to accomplish during the week:

The right hand page that is a day by day breakdown I use to keep track of what I eat for the 3 main meals of the day, hydration (although I ran out last week of those stickers!), blogging and any events that week. I also have a space for daily to do's that start with that weeks zone clean room and what I hope to tackle each day in that room for circa 15 minutes a day:

I then try and update the day every evening for additional to do's, what I ate and any other items I want to mark that day.

So not much to it really, but I do find it helps keep me on track and is actually quite a calm inducing process.

Do you use a planner?  What system works best for you and your life? 


  1. I wish I was as organised as you - I just use my phone calendar but I definitely think I need to look at something like this!

    1. Thanks - I'm getting there slowly but surely! Don't always stay on track but persevering �� Good luck with your planning!


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