Spare Room Sort Out - the before

Prepare yourselves for a look into the horror of a mess that is my spare room.

One of my June goals I shared earlier this month is to finally sort this room out and figure out a way for all its different uses to gel together better. I wanted to use my blog to document the before and after as a way I can look back and see the improvements made (hopefully!).

The room is quite large and includes a built in wardrobe that I use for my clothes and we share for out of season coats and shoes. Sadly the room is not like the Room of Requirement in Harry Potter - this room doesn't change for what your needs are that day automatically and I'm honestly getting a little tired of swapping things around or climbing over things every time I want to use the room.

The room itself gets used as:
  • a guest bedroom
  • a gym
  • an ironing station
  • a laundry drying room
  • a blogging space

With all these there comes different equipment and stuff that accumulates all over.  This is making the room a pain to clean, so we kinda don't! Also with me now using the space for my blogging desk I want it to be clean, spacious and inspiring to work in - not just the dumping ground it has become.

Oh the horror!

It's going to take quite a lot of effort to start with, but once sorted should be easy to maintain and mean we get much better use of the space. 

Deep breath and off I go...

Do you have a room/space that ends up being such a dumping ground? Tell me I am not alone and wish me luck!


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