Spare Room Sort Out - The After

So one of my goals this month was to sort out the monster mess that was the spare room.  I shared a week or so back the very attractive before state of that room [Linked post here], so now I thought I would share with you the after.

Ahhh a nice clear space to work in

The challenge:

As I've explained previously this a room of many uses for us and it tends to breed clutter due to all the laundry drying and waiting for ironing that goes on there. I'm thinking a July goal may well be to re-think how we do laundry in this house...perhaps a dryer would be useful?! It's a vicious cycle really - as the clutter grows the room becomes a pain to keep clean and then we don't so then more clutter gets dumped in it.

You can actually see and get to the bed now!

The process:

It began very gradually.  Every time I went into the room I'd try and bring something out to its proper home or pile up ready to give away. It probably took about two weeks of this gradual removal of all the rubbish to get the room back to just what we really want to keep in that room. So after a massive bag of clothes to be donated and a lot of stuff being reallocated to other parts of the house the room was finally ready for the deep clean. 

The space makes you want to use the equipment now

It helped having some extra motivation this week as our nieces are due to stay over this weekend. That spurred us on no end to just get it done.

What next?

Well the room is by no means perfect - ideally we would like to relocate the gym equipment to the cellar, but that is a whole other project in itself so wait and see on that score!

I hope this may have inspired you to tackle your clutter zone - if it has I'd love it if you told me in the comments.


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