Lazy Sunday Morning Routine

Well it is Sunday that I'm writing this blog, so seems a fitting topic don't you think? Summer has finally arrived here in the UK and with the heat comes an even bigger appreciation for not being at work and being able to do as we please. So I thought I'd share my typical Sunday morning "routine".

My typical Sunday begins by me waking up first in our house and heading to the kitchen for that all important first cup of coffee.  I also feed the dog and "rescue her" from the kitchen where she sleeps overnight.  As soon as she's gobbled her food and I have brewed my coffee it's a race as to who can get up the stairs and back on our bed the quickest (I pretty much always lose that race).

I then enjoy coming slowly round sipping my coffee as the dog snuggles into my boyfriend who is usually still fast asleep at this point. They doze on whilst I take the opportunity to catch up with my favourite You Tubers (see previous posts linked here on my favourites: Part 1Part 2).  I push this as long as I can and then schlep out the house with the pooch for her morning walk.

Afterwards I wish I could say I get down to business and sort my life or house out in some way, but no, instead we both head back up to bed (me with another cup of coffee) and slob around as a family for even longer!  Hey, I work full time and don't have any kids so why not?!

On Sundays like today though it is just too nice to waste indoors, so we got up earlier than normal and headed out for a fabulous walk. It does the soul good to venture out to places you don't always go and the historic ruins of Kirkstall Abbey in Leeds is a great place for a summer dog walk.  On the last weekend of every month there is also a small food market held there - great for yet more coffee!

Read more about the Abbey here
Monday to Friday life is often hectic and stressful, so taking this time out to relax and just enjoy the outdoors is a great way to recharge the batteries for the coming week.

That's pretty much it for the morning, so I'd love it if you would share how you like to spend your Sunday mornings too. 


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