PROGRESS REPORT : May 2016 Goals

At the start of the month I shared with you my three personal improvement goals for the month of May:

1. To blog more consistently
2. To practice what I preach when it comes to my cleaning routine
3. To increase my fitness

In the hope that I would be more likely to do what I blog, I promised to share with you my progress (or lack of) at the end of the month.

So how did I do?

To blog or not to blog? Well I am pleased and a little proud to convey that I managed to consistently publish 2 blogs a week this month. I feel like I have finally got a routine that works well for me. It has allowed me to find a good balance between blogging (what I want to do) and working full time (what I have to do).

To clean or not to clean?  Mixed success on this one sadly.  I started well, sort of went a bit lazy again, saw the dust piling up again and then blitz attacked the house like a mad woman.  The house is not a terrible mess or dirty, so I chose to concentrate on blogging and my third goal more than cleaning religiously every day.  I did notice though that clutter-creep has started to occur, so will be tackling that one in June. 

To run or not to run?  My goal here was primarily to start running again after over six months of lazing around the house avoiding the cold weather. However if that was to prove too difficult then to just get moving more would be a step in the right direction. Running again has begun, but very slowly (literally).  So I have also begun a new weight regime to help tone me up and alternate it and some form of cardio across the week. I won't lie - it has been hard.  Turns out I am a bit of a lazy slob at the moment who cannot get through a single day without chocolate for some reason!  However the fact my boyfriend is also trying to improve his fitness is definitely helping keep me motivated. I will persevere!

So how do you keep yourself motivated to achieve your goals?  


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