Life Tag - My Life in 20 Questions

I've been blogging for a few months now and thought it would be nice for you to get to know a little bit more about me.  I was scanning my bloglovin' feed the other day when my eye was caught by a "Life Tag" post and I thought "Why not?". So here goes....

1) What is your favourite colour? Blue

2) What is your favourite number? Eight - no idea why, just looks a friendly number.

3) What is your dream career? Full time blogger - who knows maybe one day...

4) Where do you see yourself living when you're on your own? By the sea (not sure which country though)

5) What's your favourite way to travel? By train

6) What do you do in your spare time? Too much watching of YouTube videos to be honest!

7) What is your favourite clothing store(s)? Cos and Marks & Spencer

8) Who would you like to see in concert? Snow Patrol, Muse, Madonna - my tastes are a bit eclectic.

9) What's your favourite tea blend? Yorkshire Tea

10) Do you collect anything? Nope, other than dust as I sit watching YouTubes!

11) What can't you sleep without? Closing my eyes, seriously that's the only thing.

12) If given 1 million pounds all for yourself what would you do with it (when charity stuff is all taken care of)? Travel, travel, travel.

13) What's your favourite make up brand(s)? No7 (from Boots) and The Body Shop.

14) What's your favourite treat to eat? Cadburys chocolate or Mentos.

15) What's your favourite season?  Autumn.

16) Do you sleep with the bedroom door open or closed?  Slightly open.

17) Why did you start blogging? Always loved writing, but did not have the skill or time to be a novelist.  Blogging appealed as an alternative creative outlet and after reading so many Blogs I thought "Hey maybe I could give it a go", so I did.

18) Do you have any magazine subscriptions, if so what? Yes - Ideal Home Magazine.

19) What were you doing at 12am last night? Probably some light snoring.

20) What's your favourite perfume? Jo Malone - Wood Sage and Sea Salt.

Thank you to Aquateraa for the idea to do this tag:

If you decide to do the life tag then let me know - so I can be nosey!


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