June Goals 2016

Last month I shared my goals for the month of May and I have to say that because I'd published them it really did make me try a lot harder to keep to them. You can read about how successful (& unsuccessful) I was here: http://whatsarahkatesays.blogspot.co.uk/ . So I have decided to continue the experiment into June as well.

Step on my fitness
Whilst I made a good start in May I really need to up my game from now. I have a holiday and friends wedding later this year that I'd like to be in better shape for.  More seriously I could be facing a surgical procedure later this year that will disrupt my fitness programme so I want to squeeze as much benefit out of the coming weeks as I can.

30 bags in 30 days
Cleaning was one of my May goals and one I had mixed success with. I've done some reflecting on why that would be and part of the reason is we have let the house fill up a bit too much...clutter creep I think you call it. So having watched a fabulous lady on You Tube undertake the "30 bags in 30 days" challenge in April, I have decided to attempt the same during June. I'd highly recommend you check out Sophia's journey on YouTube here - even if you don't struggle with clutter yourself (are you not human!?) it's a fascinating story to watch unfold across the month as she learns so much about herself through the process as well: https://www.youtube.com/mygreatchallenge

Re-organise the spare room
Our spare room is a room of many different purposes. It's a room for guests to sleep in, houses my wardrobe, it's where we dry laundry, where we stash the ironing board, storage for unused items and more recently a home gym! It is no wonder this room is a constant jumble and I have to declare "No more"! Coupled with my desire to declutter I hope to end June with a space that works for all our needs.

So there they are - my 3 goals for the next month let lose into the world! I will report back at the end of June with another progress report if you're at all curious to see how I get on.

Are you a goal setter? Fancy sharing yours for this year? Please comment below if you feel like it.


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