My Favourite Perfumes Spring 2016

It's funny how the scents you like to wear change over the course of your life.  I envy those women who find their "signature scent" and stick with it all their lives.  I'm obviously a more fickle creature and am forever changing it up.

More recently I have been experimenting with layering.  This is wear you do exactly that - layer up a few different perfumes or perfume and body lotions to create a more individual style of fragrance.  For more information on this technique I recommend reading the following by Byrdie:

My current go to combination is a heady mixture of Jo Malone's Wood Sage and Sea Salt, Molecule 101 with a little bit of Chloe thrown in for good measure.  I'm no fragrance wizard, but I have had compliments and more importantly like it a lot myself.

What are your favourite scents to mix together?



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