July Goals 2016

Given my poor performance in June I have decided to only go for two goals this month.

July should be a month of BBQs and beer gardens but in typical UK style the weather is interfering with that plan.  So instead I'm going to use this month as an opportunity to deep clean the house. Yes the whole house. "No way" I hear you cry but there are two motivational factors for me that guarantee I will do it...

1) I have a week off work and will be spending Monday to Friday mostly on my own, as boyfriend is working, so may as well apply myself usefully.

2) I have my too oldest friends coming to stay for the weekend soon.  I cannot let them witness the dog hairs rolling around the floors!

So I'm feeling quite optimistic about achieving that one.

I've been debating my second goal quite a lot. Swinging from a blog based one to a lifestyle one. The winner is...blog based.

Since my May Goals, I have managed to consistently blog twice a week, except for one week where I had been out and had nothing pre prepared. So that is what my second goal is based around...I want to have a good pool of quality content in the bank. I'm going to aim for a rolling four blog posts prepped at any one time, so if I draw a blank or life gets in the way my blogging consistency is more easily maintainable.

So that's the plan for July, as usual I will report back at the end of the month on my progress (or lack of!).

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and hope you are already having a productive July x


  1. I really need to make goals, at he moment everything is in the air. I know what I would like to achieve but without a clear direction. I think I'll write it down and go for it too!

  2. Hi Alina - Go for it my friend! The hardest part is just starting - start small would be my advice. If you have a really big goal in mind then spend a bit of time thinking of all the elements that need to be in order to get you there and start with those smaller steps. There is no shame in realising that your direction needs to change in the future as well. Good luck :)


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